The Latin American Drupal Community keeps on working with a lot of
motivation! A lot of people from the whole continent are forming a team
to organize together the
**DrupalPicchu** in the
beginning of 2014!
Picchu means Summit in quechua (native indigenous language), so DrupalPicchu means DrupalSummit. This gives an original name to such an important historic event for the Drupal Latin Community.
At one of the most magic places in the world we are going to rock the biggest and hackiest Drupal event in Central- and South America, with the objective to get 500 to 1000 Drupalistas together from over 25 countries.
Learning from the cancellation of the DrupalCon São Paulo 2012, we defined the basic values of organizing this event: Openness, transparency, collaboration and inclusion! The people involved want to organize a Drupal event, which fullfils the dream of a truely community and volunteer based world class tech and FLOSS conference, with real Latin American spirit and proudness about cultural diversity.
I am very happy to see so much positve and constructive enegery and it is a perfect time to take this momentum to realize this awesome idea. Everybody, no matter where you are from, is invited to join this initiative and show the world that Drupal events can be big, of quality and with a lot of contribution and especially succesfull in new parts of the world. People and community is what counts. Let’s leave this as an evidence!
Get involved!.
Picture taken from `Wikipedia <>`__ and slightly modified. Feel free to remix it again. It is published under the same `Creative Commons License <>`__ for all content of this website