The inaugural DrupalCamp in Bolivia was held from February 21st to 23rd, 2013, at the Universidad Católica Boliviana ‘San Pablo’ in Cochabamba, a city also known as ‘Llajta’ (Quechua for ‘perfect place to live’). This successful event was organized by the local community with support from international Drupal experts. Although officially a three-day event, it effectively spanned four days, starting with a pre-event code sprint focused on the Devel module.
The first day was dedicated to training sessions, drawing over 140 participants from across the country. The attendees’ openness, motivation, and technical skills were impressive, particularly in a workshop about site building with Drupal, where they quickly grasped complex interfaces like views, panels, context, and features. This enthusiasm highlighted Bolivia’s potential for a thriving Drupal community.
The video of the event, featuring interviews in Spanish, captured the essence and success of the camp.
Video with interviews (in Spanish) from the local newspaper Los Tiempos
During the following two days, the camp offered 26 sessions and talks across two tracks, attracting over 180 participants. These sessions were led by local Drupal enthusiasts and experts from various countries. The event also saw participation from students from Brazil and Africa, showcasing its international appeal. I am grateful for the opportunity to have contributed two talks on Drush and Open Data, and for participating in a panel discussion about doing business with Drupal.
With over 200 total participants, this DrupalCamp is the largest first-time Drupal event in any Latin American country. Congratulations to Bolivia! The success of the event was reflected in the enthusiasm of the attendees, and the future of Drupal meetups and camps in other cities across Bolivia looks promising.