Felix Delattre


Spanish Drupal tutorials and learning materials for the community

image0 Recently I was giving two intensive Drupal 7 workshops and trainings. One at the Universidad Nacional in Heredia, Costa Rica, sponsored by a United Nations Development Programme finanzed project in Costa Rica "TICs Capacity Building through the Use of Free Software to Promote and Strengthen Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMEs)". And the other one at ISIC (Instituto de Informática y Comercio) in Managua, Nicaragua. Together with Leo Arias we prepared the materials of these trainings and made them publicly available at **aprende.drupal-centroamerica.org**.

The tutorials aim to be a good point to starting point with Drupal, and in Spanish language, where still a lack of documentation about Drupal is missing. On the website we have texts, videos and some slides from the trainings. The website is open for everybody to register, making changes and improvements to all texts - editable like a wiki. Feel free to take, copy, modify and build upon them, all information on the this learning website is published with a Creative Commons BY-SA licence and donated to the Central American community (which is the entity that should be attributed when using these materials).

Logo of aprende.drupal-centroamerica.org has been created by `Leandro Gómez <http://leogg.wordpress.com>`__.